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Ordinance no. 141/2020 was published yesterday, which regulates the ongoing training of sports coaches. This ordinance comes into force on July 1st and brings major changes to the process of ongoing training and revalidation of coaches' ballots.

The main conclusions drawn from this new Ordinance are as follows:

  • The revalidation of the coach's card must be done every 3 years, as opposed to the 5 years that were in force until now;

  • For revalidation, it is only necessary to obtain 3 Credit Units (15 hours of training), instead of the 10 credits (50 hours) required so far;

  • It is no longer mandatory to have continuous training in the specific and in-person component.

In addition, in the case of coaches who have expired at this time but who have already obtained 3 credits, with the entry into force of the ordinance on 1 July, the certificate will automatically become “active” and renewed for three years.

You can consult this Ordinance in its entirety through this link.

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